So you’ve been planning a vacation for you and your family. Every single detail has been planned, every dollar is accounted for, and you’re ready to go. While you may think that you have a handle on every aspect of your vacation, traveling with children is an entirely different situation in itself. By no means do we mean that your vacation will be any less enjoyable, but flying with children isn’t always the easiest.
In today’s blog, we’re going to cover a few tips to ensure that this vacation goes without a hitch! From preparing them for their first flight to ensuring that they are entertained the entire time, our goal is to help you out in any way possible. That being said, let’s jump right into some of the ways that you can make this travel experience a great one.
The packing process is stressful enough, but one of the best things that you can do when you travel with children is over-prepare. Regardless of their age, you know that there are certain things that your child needs or goes through like crazy. Whether it’s baby wipes, diapers, extra clothes, or food, it’s always good to make sure that you’re prepared for whatever they may throw at you that day.
Pack a carry on bag with them in mind and make sure that you load it up. Again, focus on the things that you know they are going to need without a doubt, pack some extra and then make sure to pack any additional items that could help make the trip a breeze. We’ll talk a little bit about those items later on in the blog.
Wet Wipes
If you’re traveling with younger children, then you know that wet wipes are a staple. It doesn’t matter if you’re using them to wipe their butt or clean up the mess they’ve made of their meal, you rely on these bad boys. This is no different when traveling, so make sure that you pack them.
Even though there’s not a whole lot of opportunity for your children to get crazy and make a mess, it’s better to be prepared for the slim chance that they do. If they spill their drink on the tray, throw up after a feeding, or you need them for a diaper change, wet wipes are going to come in handy. There are plenty of travel sized packages that you can purchase if you don’t want to pack an entire package in your carry on, but again, it’s better to be over prepared when traveling with little ones.
Keep Them Occupied
As a parent, one of your worst fears when traveling is having that child that is constantly crying or upset while on the flight. The best way to avoid this is by making sure that they are occupied throughout the flight. The critical thing to note here is that this doesn’t have to be complicated. There are plenty of ways that you can keep them focused on something other than the traveling at hand.
Card games, coloring books, and movies with headphones are just a few of the ideas that you can take advantage of as you start to pack. All of these options are easy to pack and will keep your child distracted.
Pack Individual Bags for Children
Again, packing is far from the most thrilling part of a vacation, but it’s a necessity. As you begin to prepare for a flight, make sure that you’re packing an individual carry on bag for each child. This is a fantastic way to avoid any arguments about who gets to carry the bag or fight over what’s on the inside. Instead, pack small, individual bags with items that are specific to that child.
Whether you ask them to pack certain things that will keep them entertained or you go ahead and pack some affordable toys that you pick up from the supermarket, it’s great to focus on each child separately. Not only can you better pack based on that child’s interest, but you can count on them feeling more excited and special when they’re opening a bag that has things they enjoy.
Take Advantage of Early Check-In
If packing isn’t the worst part of a vacation, then the process of getting on the plane itself is. Between checking in and going through security, there are endless times where you’ll likely question if bringing your child on vacation was a wise decision. In order to make this process as streamlined as possible, take advantage of any opportunities that will lessen the number of stressful steps at the airport.
One of the primary steps that we think of is the check-in process. Most airlines now offer early check-in, and it’s easy to do it right on your phone! Before you head on over to the airport, take advantage of this option so that you can move right along through security and head over to your gate. You’ll be thankful that you saved yourself some time when you’ve successfully made it to your gate and have been able to skip a few long lines.
Book Your Parking in Advance
Another aspect that can make traveling with children difficult is getting from your home to the airport. Between carseats and strollers, it’s just easier to bring your own vehicle. When you’re looking to make the travel process as easy as possible, turn to ParkDIA. We’ve made it easy for you to reserve either a covered or uncovered parking spot and leave your car for the duration of your trip. Once you’re back, just hop on in and head on home. It’s that simple.
If you’re ready to take control of your trip and make your travel day as smooth as possible, browse our rates and DIA parking services. From there, reserve your spots! If you have any questions or need further assistance, our team is always ready and willing to help. Feel free to contact us, and we’ll make sure that you and your family are ready for the trip ahead.
We’ve only just brushed the surface of ways that you can prepare for traveling with children. Make sure to keep an eye out for our next blog post where we will continue to cover ways that you can prepare yourself.