How To Beat Motion Sickness On Your Next Flight

How To Beat Motion Sickness On Your Next Flight

Motion sickness can occur during any form of transportation. It’s a sensation of wooziness and nausea that can happen to anyone when traveling by plane, car, boat, train, or bus. During motion sickness, your body’s sensory organs send mixed signals to your brain, which results in feelings of lightheadedness, dizziness, and an upset stomach. Your body maintains balance with the help of various signals sent by different parts of the body, and when those signals are conflicting, it can lead to symptoms of motion sickness. For example, when you’re sitting on an airplane, you can feel turbulence but you cannot see it. This results in confusion in the body which can lead to feelings of uneasiness.

Some people learn early on that they’re prone to this condition, while others may experience symptoms of motion sickness later in life. Children between the ages of two and 12 are most likely to suffer from motion sickness, and pregnant women tend to have a higher likelihood of it as well. While motion sickness often doesn’t require a professional to diagnose, many people know the feeling when it’s coming because it only occurs during travel. Some symptoms of motion sickness are listed below.

  • Nausea and dizziness
  • A headache
  • Salivation and sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Balance issues
  • Fatigue
  • Hyperventilation

There are some medications on the market that can help relieve the symptoms listed above, but there are a few techniques you should try first. Let’s take a look at the various ways to beat motion sickness below.

Take Matters Into Your Own Hands

While you don’t have much control over where you sit in an airplane, you can control where you sit in a car. Not being in the driver’s seat can contribute to symptoms of motion sickness, so if you’re traveling by car, opt to sit in the front passenger seat. It’s also important to note that the driver of a car is less prone to motion sickness, so if you enjoy driving, don’t be afraid to take the wheel. When in doubt, look at the horizon, which will give your body a sense of control and balance. If you end up getting stuck in the backseat of a car, try to take your mind off of the nausea by starting a conversation with someone or listening to your favorite album.

Eat Some Ginger

Did you know that consuming ginger is a great way to prevent feelings of motion sickness? According to recent studies, ginger can help curb symptoms of nausea and seasickness. Ginger is widely available in a raw state (ginger root), but it can also be dried, powdered, or juiced for easy consumption.

Be Careful What You Eat

Before your flight, car ride, train ride, or boat ride, make sure you don’t eat or drink anything that will upset your stomach (this is especially true for alcohol). Rather than scarfing down a double-pounder at McDonalds, choose foods that are light and healthy. Foods that have strong odors or ones that are heavy, spicy, or rich in fat can actually worsen the symptoms of motion sickness and nausea. It’s also important to stay hydrated while you travel, so make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Face The Direction You’re Traveling

No matter what form of transportation you’re taking, try to face the direction you’re traveling. This may help with the disconnect between your visual sense and your inner ear. If you’re on a boat, try moving to the front of the boat and keep your eyes on the horizon. If you’re traveling by train, make sure you’re facing the front of the train so when you look out the window things don’t start moving backwards.

Put Down Your Phone Or Tablet

While you may think that watching a movie on your tablet or playing a game on your cell phone will help take your mind off of the motion of the ocean, we encourage you to put these electronics down. Many people who suffer from motion sickness have trouble reading books and performing tasks on various devices without feeling nauseous. According to a study published in the journal Experimental Brain Research, playing console video games can induce symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and headaches.

Take Advantage Of Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is a great way to ease the mind and body. Before your trip, pack a few of your favorite essential oils to have on hand should you start to feel dizzy. Scents like ginger, lavender, and peppermint can be helpful when it comes to reducing feelings of nausea. You can invest in a portable diffuser for your trip or simply apply a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your wrist or neck.

Drink Chamomile Tea

Tea has been historically known to cure a variety of ailments. Before your flight, sip on a warm cup of chamomile tea to help soothe your stomach and relax your stomach muscles. You can find chamomile tea at most grocery stores and coffee shops at the airport. Consider packing a travel mug so you can take your tea with you on the plane.

Get Some Air

Some people who suffer from motion sickness report feelings of claustrophobia. If this sounds like you, crack a window or go outside at your earliest convenience. This will help subside some of the symptoms of motion sickness. If the weather doesn’t permit you to go outside, open an air vent or direct a blow fan toward your face.

Take Medication

If the natural remedies listed above don’t do it for you, you can always take medication to remedy your motion sickness symptoms. There is a large selection of medications available to help prevent and treat motion sickness, and most are called antiemetic drugs. They often include antihistamines like Bonine and Dramamine, which are available at any over-the-counter pharmacy or drugstore. These medications work by counteracting the effect of chemicals released by the brain during motion sickness and seasickness.

We always recommend talking to your doctor before choosing a medication, as some drugs may interfere with your daily medicines. Make note that some antihistamines can lead to dry mouth and dry eyes.

We hope this article comes in handy during your next trip. If you’re flying out of the Denver International Airport (DIA) and you’re looking for affordable and convenient parking options, park your car with ParkDIA. We offer covered and uncovered, parking spaces at our airport parking facility, and with 7,500 parking spaces, there is always one waiting for you when you need it. Download our mobile app to reserve your airport parking space today or contact our team with any questions you may have.

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