ParkDIA is the closest near-airport parking – only 2.6 miles from Denver International Airport – located off of Peña Boulevard and Jackson Gap Road exit.
Directions via Pena Blvd.
- Take the Jackson Gap exit, turning right at the stoplight.
- Continue on, taking the 3rd right at Jackson Gap St.
- Continue around the bend, turn left at 68th Ave.
- ParkDIA entrance is on your right.
Directions via 56th Ave.
- Exit 56th Ave.
- Head East on 56th Ave (crossing E-470).
- Turn left onto Jackson Gap St.
- Turn left at stop sign, continue on Jackson Gap St.
- Turn right onto 68th Ave.
- ParkDIA entrance is on the right.
Download the ParkDIA app
for easy directions.
Plus, you can use the app to book parking, scan in/scan out (no tickets!), track shuttles and more.
Learn more